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47. Sukwoo Choi, Sukwon Lee, Jeongyeon Kim, Beomjong Song, Ingie Hong, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Junuk Lee, Bobae An., Pharmaceutical composition containing GluR2-lacking AMPAR antagonist for preventing or treating psychiatric illnesses , European Patent Office (2014)


46. Kyungjoon Park, Sukwoon Song, Ingie Hong, Beomjong Song, Jeongyeon Kim, Sungmo Park, Junuk Lee, Sangho Song, Bobae An, Jihye Kim, C Justin Lee, Ki Soon Shin, Sukwoo Choi, Sukwon Lee., Group I mGluR-dependent depotentiation in the lateral amygdala does not require the removal of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors , Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2014) 8:269.


45. Sukwoo Choi, Sukwon Lee, Jeongyeon Kim, Beomjong Song, Ingie Hong, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Junuk Lee, Bobae An., Pharmaceutical composition containing GluR2-lacking AMPAR antagonist for preventing or treating psychiatric illnesses United States Patent and Tradmark Office (2014)


44. Sukwoo Choi, Sukwon Lee, Jeongyeon Kim, Beomjong Song, Ingie Hong, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Junuk Lee, Bobae An., Pharmaceutical composition for treating anxiety disorder, containing N-acetyl-L-cysteine or derivative therof , Korean Intellectual Property Office (2014)


43. Kyungjoon Park†, Beomjong Song†, Jeongyeon Kim†, Ingie Hong†, Sangho Song†, Junuk Lee†, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Bobae An, Hyun Woo Lee, Seungbok Lee, Hyun Kim, Justin C. Lee, Sukwon Lee1,‡, Choi S‡., ABA renewal involves enhancements in both GluA2-lacking AMPA receptor activity and GluA1 phosphorylation in the lateral amygdala, Plos One (2014) (‡: co-corresponding authors)



42. Kim W, Im MJ, Park CH, Lee CJ, Choi S†, Yoon BJ†. Remodeling of the dendritic structure of the striatal medium spiny neurons accompanies behavioral recovery in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience Letters (2013). 17;557 (†: co-corresponding authors) 28, Oct


41. Sukwon Lee†, Beomjong Song†, Jeongyeon Kim†, Kyungjoon Park, Ingie Hong, Bobae An, Sangho Song, Jiwon Lee, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Dongeun Park, C. Justin Lee, Kyungjin Kim‡, Ki Soon Shin‡, Richard W. Tsien, Sukwoo Choi‡ GluA1 phosphorylation at Serine 831 in the lateral amygdala is required for fear renewal Nature Neuroscience (2013) 16, 1436-1444


40. Tae-In Kam, Sungmin Song, Youngdae Gwon, Hyejin Park, Ji-Jing Yan, Isak Im, Ji-Woo Choi, Tae-Yong Choi, Jeongyeon Kim, Dong-Keun Song, Toshiyuki Takai, Yong-Chul Kim, Key-Sun Kim, Se-Young Choi, . Sukwoo Choi, William L. Klein, Junying Yuan and Yong-Keun Jung FcγRIIb mediates amyloid-β neurotoxicity and memory impairment in Alzheimer’s disease J Clin Invest. (2013) 123(7):2791-2802


39. Ingie Hong1,Jeongyeon Kim1, Jihye Kim1, Hyoung-Gon Ko, Sukwon Lee, Karim Nader, Bong-Kiun Kaang, Richard W. Tsien* and Choi S* AMPA receptor exchange underlies transient memory destabilization upon retrieval Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2013) May 14. (*co-corresponding authors)


38. Ingie Hong, Taewook Kang, YongCheol Yoo, Royun Park, Junuk Lee, Sukwon Lee, Jeongyeon Kim, Boemjong Song, Se-Young Kim, Minho Moon, Ki Na Yun, Jin Young Kim, Inhee Mook-Jung*, Young Mok Park* and Choi S* Quantitative proteomic analysis of the hippocampus in the 5XFAD mouse model at early stages of Alzheimer’s Disease pathology Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2013) Apr 9.


37. Ingie Hong, Taewook Kang, Ki Na Yun, YongCheol Yoo, Sungmo Park, Jihye Kim, Bobae An, Sukwoon Song, Sukwon Lee, Jeongyeon Kim, Beomjong Song, Kyung-Hoon Kwon, Jin Young Kim*, Young Mok Park* and Choi S*,Quantitative Proteomics of Auditory Fear Conditioning Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2013) Apr 26


36. Han K, Woo J, Park H, Yoon B, Choi S*, and Lee CJ*. Channel-mediated astrocytic glutamate release via Bestrophin-1 targets synaptic NMDARs Molecular Brain (2013) Jan 16;6:4 (*co-corresponding authors)



35. Song B, Lee S, Choi S. LY404187, a potentiator of AMPARs, enhances both the amplitude and 1/CV2 of AMPA EPSCs but not NMDA EPSCs at CA3-CA1 synapses in the hippocampus of neonatal rats Neurosci Lett (2012) Dec 7;531(2):193-7


34. Yeo H, Kim H, Mo J, Lee D, Han S, Hong S, Koh MJ, Sun W, Choi S, Rhyu IJ, Kim H, and Lee HW. Developmental expression and subcellular distribution of synaptotagmin 11 in rat hippocampus. Neurosci (2012) Dec 6;225:35-43 .


33. Park S, Kim J, Choi S Ex vivo depotentiation of conditioning-induced potentiation at thalamic input synapses onto the lateral amygdala requires GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors. Neurosci Lett (2012) Nov 21;530(2):121-6


32. An B, Hong I, Choi S Long-term neural correlates of reversible fear learning in the lateral amygdala. J Neurosci (2012) 21 Nov. 32(47): 16845-16856


31. Mo J, Lee D, Hong S, Han S, Yeo H, Sun W, Choi S, Kim H, Lee HW (2012) Preso regulation of dendritic outgrowth through PI(4,5)P 2-dependent PDZ interaction with βPix. Eur J Neurosci 36 (1): 1960-1970


30. Mo J, Choi S, Ahn PG, Sun W, Lee HW, Kim H (2012) PDZ-scaffold protein, Tamalin promotes dendritic outgrowth and arborization in rat hippocampal neuron. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 422 (2):250-255


29. Lee S, Ahmed T, Lee S, Kim H, Choi S , Kim D, Kim SJ, Cho J, Shin H (2012) Bidirectional modulation of fear extinction by mediodorsal thalamic firing in mice. Nat Neurosci 15 (2):308-314


28. Hong I, Kim J, Song B, Park K, Shin K, Eom KD, Han PL, Lee S, Choi S (2012) Fear conditioning occludes late-phase long-term potentiation at thalamic input synapses onto the lateral amygdala in rat brain slices. Neurosci Lett 506 (1):121-125